Board Meetings


Welcome to the Lincoln Pipestone Rural Water Board Meetings Page.




LPRW 2025 Board Meeting Schedule

Regular Meetings are held the last Monday of each month at the LPRW Office in Lake Benton MN;

Special Meetings may be rescheduled as needed.


10:00am - Monday, January 27

10:00am - Monday, February 24

10:00am Monday, March 31

TBD/3 days prior - Monday, April 28

TBD/3 days prior - Monday, June 2*

5:00pm - Monday, June 30

5:00pm - Monday, July 28 

5:00pm - Monday, August 25

5:00pm - Monday, September 29

TBD/3 days prior - Monday, October 27

10:00am - Monday, November 24

9:00am - Monday, December 22*

*Meeting date moved due to a holiday or other conflict.


To obtain a copy of our meeting minutes, please contact our office at 507-368-4248